The RedisModel
class is an OrigoDB model that mimics the behavior of Redis data structures and commands. The api tries to stay close to the original with regards to command names, arguments and types unless there is a c# idiom which makes more sense. Commands are implemented as methods on RedisModel
var redis = Db.For<RedisModel>();
redis.Set("key", "42");
redis.IncrementBy("key", 4);
string number = redis.Get("key");
Commands that operate on keys.
Redis command | Method | Notes |
RANDOMKEY | RandomKey() |
return a random key or null if none exist |
RENAME | Rename(string key, string newKeyName) |
DEL | Delete(params string[] keys) |
Deletes keys, returns number of keys deleted. |
FLUSHDB | Clear() |
Removes all of the keys from the database |
DBSIZE | KeyCount() |
Returns the total number or keys |
EXISTS | Exists(string key) |
true if the key Exists |
? | Type(string key) |
Returns a KeyType enum value |
KEYS | Keys(string regex) |
return array of keys matching a regex |
The redis string type represent strings or integers.
Redis command | Method | Notes |
MGET | MGet(params string[] keys) |
Get array multiple strings, null when key missing |
MSET | MSet(params string[] keyValuePairs) |
keys and values are interlaced |
STRLEN | StrLength(string key) |
Character length of a string or number of bits in a bitset |
APPEND | Append(string key, string value) |
append a string to an existing string |
SET | Set(string key, string value) |
set a string value overwriting any previous value |
SET NX | SetUnlessExists(string key, string value) |
GET | Get(string key) | |
GETRANGE | GetRange(string key, int start, int end) |
Substring |
GETSET | GetSet(string key, string value) |
set value and return old value |
DECR | Decrement(string key) |
DECRBY | DecrementBy(string key, long delta) |
INCR | Increment(string key) |
INCRBY | IncrementBy(string key, long delta) |
Redis hashes are implemented with Dictionary<string,string>
Redis command | Method | Notes |
HSET | HSet(string key, string field, string value) |
set a hash key/value pair |
HDEL | HDelete(string key, params string[] fields) |
return number of fields removed |
HEXIST | HExists(string key, string field) |
return true if hash contains field |
HGET | HGet(string key, string field) |
retrieve value of single field |
HGETALL | HGetAll(string key) |
Get all keys and values in a single array |
HINCRBY | HIncrementBy(string key, string field, long delta) |
Increment hash value by given amount |
HLEN | HLen(string key) |
number of fields in a hash |
HKEYS | HKeys(string key) |
get all hash keys |
HVALUES | HValues(string key) |
get all the hash values |
HMSET | HMSet(string key, params string[] keyValuePairs) |
Set hash key/values |
HMGET | HMGet(string key, params string[] fields) |
Get multiple values from hash |
Redis command | Method | Notes |
GEOADD | GeoAdd(string key, params NamedGeoPoint[] points) |
add named lat/lon coords to a geospatial index |
GEODIST | GeoDist(string key, string member1, string member2) |
returns an ArcDistance object representing the distance between two named geo points |
GEOPOS | GeoPos(string key, params string[] fields) |
get positions of fields |
GEORADIUS | GeoRadius(string key, GeoPoint center, double radiusKm, int maxItems) |
get points within a given radiusKm |
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER | GeoRadiusByMember(string key, string member, double radiusKm, int maxItems) |
get points within given distance of an existing points |
Redis command | Method | Notes |
LINSERT | LInsert(string key, string pivot, string value, bool before = true) |
insert item in list before or after item with value of pivot |
LLEN | LLength(string key) |
number of items in list |
LPOP | LPop(string key) |
remove and return first element of list |
RPOP | RPop(string key) |
remove and return last element of list |
LSET | LSet(string key, int index, string value) |
set list item at given index |
LINDEX | LIndex(string key, int index) |
get list item by index |
LPUSH | LPush(string key, params string[] items) |
prepend items to list |
RPUSH | RPush(string key, params string[] items) |
append items to list |
A set of string members.
Redis command | Method | Notes |
SADD | SAdd(string key, params string[] member) |
add members to set, return number added |
SCARD | SCard(string key) |
Number of set members |
SDIFF | SDiff(string key, params string[] sets) |
set difference of key minus each set in sets |
SDIFFSTORE | SDiffStore(string destination, string key, params string[] sets) |
same as SDiff but create a new set with the result, returns size of created set |
SINTER | SInter(string key, params string[] sets) |
Set intersection |
SINTERSTORE | SInterStore(string key, params string[] sets) |
Same as SInter but create new set with the result, returns size of created set |
SISMEMBER | SIsMember(string key, string member) |
test for membership |
SMEMBERS | SMembers(string key) |
Get all members |
SMOVE | SMove(string source, string destination, string value) |
move member from source set to destination set |
SPOP | SPop(string key) |
remove and return a random set member |
SRANDMEMBER | SRandMember(string key, int count = 1) |
get one or more random set menbers |
SREM | SRemove(string key, params string[] members) |
remove set members, return number removed |
SUNION | SUnion(string key, params string[] keys) |
set union |
SUNIONSTORE | SUnionStore(string destination, string key, params string[] keys) |
same as SUnion, but creates a new set |
A sorted set is a set where members have an associated score.
Redis command | Method | Notes |
ZADD | ZAdd(string key, string member, double score) |
add member/score to sorted set |
ZADD | ZAdd(string key, params KeyValuePair<string, double>[] items) |
add multiple member/score pairs to sorted set |
ZADD | ZAdd(string key, IDictionary<string, double> membersAndScores) |
overload |
ZADD | ZAdd(string key, params string[] scoreAndMembersInterlaced) |
another overload |
ZCARD | ZCard(string key) |
cardinality of sorted set |
ZCOUNT | ZCount(string key, double min, double max) |
number of items within range |
ZINCRBY | ZIncrementBy(string key, double increment, string member) |
increment sorted set score |
ZINTERSTORE | ZInterStore(string destination, string[] keys, double[] weights = null, AggregateType aggregateType = AggregateType.Sum) |
yikes! |
ZRANGE | ZRange(string key, int start = 0, int stop = -1) |
returns range of elements |
ZRANGE | ZRangeWithScores(string key, int start = 0, int stop = -1) |
same as ZRange but include scores |
ZRANGEBYSCORE | ZRangeByScore(string key, double min, double max, int skip = 0, int take = Int32.MaxValue) |
return sorted set members within given range |
ZRANGEBYSCORE | ZRangeByScoreWithScores(string key, double min, double max, int skip = 0, int take = Int32.MaxValue) |
same as ZRangeByScore but include scores |
ZRANK | ZRank(string key, string member) |
zero-based rank of sorted set item |
ZREM | ZRemove(string key, params string[] members) |
remove members from sorted set, return number removed |
ZREMBYRANK | ZRemoveRangeByRank(string key, int first, int last) |
remove members with rank within range |
ZREMBYSCORE | ZRemoveRangeByScore(string key, double min, double max) |
remove members with score within range |
ZSCORE | ZScore(string key, string member) |
get score or null if member doesn’t exist |
ZREVRANGE | ZReverseRange(string key, int start, int stop) |
retrieve a range of members in reverse order |
ZREVRANGE | ZReverseRangeWithScores(string key, int start = 0, int stop = 0) |
overload including scores |
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE | ZReverseRangeByScore(string key, double min = double.MinValue, double max = double.MaxValue, int skip = 0, int take = int.MaxValue) |
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE | ZReverseRangeByScoreWithScores(string key, double min = double.MinValue,double max = double.MaxValue, int skip = 0, int take = Int32.MaxValue) |
ZREVRANK | ZReverseRank(string key, string member) |
zero-based rank of sorted set item counting from end of set |
ZUNIONSTORE | ZUnionStore(string destination, string[] keys, double[] weights = null, AggregateType aggregateType = AggregateType.Sum) |
create sorted set union |
Redis command | Method | Notes |
EXPIRE | Expire(string key, DateTime at) |
Set an expiration for a given key |
EXPIRES | DateTime? Expires(string key) |
when key expires or null if no expiration |
PERSIST | Persist(string key) |
Cancel expiration |
N/A | PurgeExpired() |
Removes keys that have expired, called by timer once per second if any keys have expires |
Bitset commands are implemented using an underlying System.Collections.BitArray.
Redis command | Method | Notes |
GETBIT | bool GetBit(string key, int index) |
get the value of the bit at the given position |
SETBIT | bool SetBit(string key, int index, bool value = true) |
Set the bit value at a given position, return the previous value |
BITCOUNT | int BitCount(string key, int firstBit = 0, int lastBit = Int32.Max) |
Count the number of 1-bits in the entire array or a given range. NOTE - the range is bit-based, as opposed to REDIS which is byte based. |
BITOP | int BitOp(BitOperation op, string key, params string[] source) |
Perform an AND, OR, XOR or NOT operation on two or more sets, creating a new set. Returns the size in bits of the created set. NOT takes a single input source |
BITPOS | int BitPos(string key, bool value, int firstBit, int lastBit) |
Returns the index of the first bit with a given value in a BitSet. |
STRLEN | int StrLength(string key) |
returns the actual size of the underlying BitArray by calling BitArray.Length |