<add name="MyModel" connectionString="mode=embedded;location=c:\db\mymodel"/>
<add name="test" connectionString="mode=remote;host=;port=3001"/>
will create a LocalEngineClient based on the connection string named “MyModel”Engine.For<MyModel>("test")
will create a RemoteEngineClient based on the connection string named “test”When mode is “embedded” the connection string properties are mapped to an instance of EngineConfiguration
See EngineComfiguration for a full list of properties, only a few are shown below. When mode is remote, the properties will be mapped to an instance of RemoteClientConfiguration
Name | Type | Default | Description |
location | string | empty string | file path or sql server connection string name |
CloneCommands | bool | true | clone commands before execution using default serializer |
EnsureSafeResults | bool | true | turn off and engine will assume you know what you’re doing |
host | string | localhost | ip or hostname of the remote server |
port | ushort | 3001 | The port of the remote server |
MaxConnections | int | 10 | Maximum number of tcp connections used by the connection pool |
DedicatedPool | bool | false | Set to true and the client will create it’s own private connection pool |